01 46 02 64 33 / 01 47 71 61 03 embcci@gmail.com


Tuition Fees for 2025-2026

• Annual registration fee (per family): 450 Euros

• Monthly tuition fee (per student): 700 Euros (Pre-School) / 750 Euros (Primary)

• Afterschool (optional) : 100 € per month

• Discount: -20% on monthly tuition fees for the 3rd child registered


• When you register:

• Annual registration fee (non-refundable) + September tuition

• Payments by trimester:

• In September: for the months of October, November, and December

• In December: for the months of January, February, and March

• In March: for the months of April, May, and June

• Automatic monthly payment plan

• Withdrawal on the 25th of every month from September to May


• Download the documentation English Brochure 2025

• Download the pre-admission request  pre-admissions request

• Please send the request by email embcci@gmail.com

• Interview with both parents and child (Primary School applicants must attend; Pre-School applicants are encouraged to attend)

• The interview allows us to show you around our school and ensure that our pedagogical approach corresponds with the vision you have for your child’s education.


The application form will be given to you after the interview, at your request and with the Headmistress’s agreement.
Please return it filled out, dated and signed, accompanied by 2 photos of the child, a copy of his/her up-to-date vaccination records, and initial registration and tuition fees.